Host family opportunity, in summer 2025, for 4 weeks, in London Ontario
This is the Homestay exchange program between YOU (Canadian parents) and YOUR teenage DAUGHTER and YOUR teenage SON and JAPANESE STUDENT.
・If you have a DAUGHTER, you host a Female student.
・If you have a SON, you host a Male student.
・One host family host only one Japanese student.
・We have families in following area, about 30 min drive from London. (Komoka, Ilderton, St Thomas, Delaware, Aylmer, Ingersoll, etc.)
Your family learn NEW culture, and your Japanese student learn NEW culture.
Many Canadian families have established long-lasting relationships with Japanese students.
They keep in touch Japanese students after homestay program.
Some families and students visit each other again, in Canada or in Japan, after homestay program.
・former Labo student (2015 program) made speech.
・Meeting host family and student for the first time, at Fanshawe College
・Fun activities for everyone. Experience Japanese martial arts together. (Free of charge)
※Host family information will not be passed on to third parties. We will not solicit host families for the classes.
testimonials from past LABO host families
A few years ago we hosted a Japanese student through this program and it was an amazing experience for everyone! If you have a child 11-15 years of age, you should definitely consider taking part! The student comes to stay becomes a part of your family for the time they are here.
We are still contacting our Japanese students! (This family hosted students 2 times.)
Host Family Application Guidelines
1) You receive $1500 for HOMESTAY fee
This $1500 homestay fee pays
・ALL OF THE EXPENSES (FOODS, DRINKS, SNACKS etc.) for your student
You DON’T NEED to buy the student’s personal things – clothes etc. Your student has small cash allowance to buy small things for themselves.
Japanese Student stay at your home, from 2024 July 23 to August 18, for 4 weeks.【PROGRAM SCHEDULE for 2024】
July 23, Tuesday – Arrival Day: Homestay group (students and adult chaperon) arrived to London, by chartered bus. Students and chaperon stay at Fanshawe College Conference Centre.
July 24, Wednesday – First Day at homestay: host family pick up students from Fanshawe College Conference Centre.
August 3, Saturday – Mid-term Gathering: Aikido(Japanese martial arts) Trial Lessons and Fun Activities. Students, host families enjoy fun activities together.
August 17, Saturday – Last Day at homestay: host family drop off students to Fanshawe College Conference Centre. Homestay group leave London to Toronto airport hotel by chartered bus.
August 18 Sunday – Departure Day: student depart to Japan【WHO CAN BE HOST FAMILY?】
Those who meet ALL REQUIRMENTS
1) Family, who HAVE DAUGHTER or SON living in same home.
・your DAUGHTER’s age – (11 yrs old, possible), 12 yrs old, 13 yrs old, 14 yrs old, 15 yrs old, 16 yrs old, as of July 2025
・your SON’s age – (11 yrs old, possible), 12 yrs old, 13 yrs old, 14 yrs old, 15 yrs old, 16 yrs old, as of July 2025
2) Family speak English at home.
・English is native language
The Japanese student is coming to learn English.
Family MUST ALWAYS SPEAK ENGLISH, in front of student.
Family speak ONLY English, in front of Japanese student.
3) Canadian resident.
(NO international students, NO temporary stay in Canada)
3) Family arrange for one of the adult (to supervision) to stay with children during the day.
The supervision can be “adult sibling”, “Neighbours”, “parent’s friend” “relatives – Grandparents, and others” and so on.
We want to avoid leaving the children alone at home.【DOES YOUR JAPANESE STUDENT GO TO SCHOOL?】
NO. Your Japanese student is NOT GOING TO SCHOOL while in London.【Japanese student’s age and personal information】
We will receive student’s personal information in February or March, 2024.
・Japanese BOY’s age : 12 yrs old, 13 yrs old, 14 yrs old, 15 yrs old, 16 yrs old, 17 yrs old,
・Japanese GIRL’s age : 12 yrs old, 13 yrs old, 14 yrs old, 15 yrs old, 16 yrs old, 17 yrs old,
You will receive the student’s personal information BEFORE they arrive to Canada.
We will try to match your child and Japanese student with SAME SEX, CLOSE IN AGE, SIMILAR INTEREST AND HOBBIES.
※your MAIN HOST CHILD, 10 years old and younger is TOO YOUNG for this program, so please DO NOT APPLY for year 2025 program. We consider the age difference between your child and Japanese student.
YOUR CHILD and Japanese student spend time together.
【WHAT IS POLICY AND RULES? : There is no exception to this rule.】
1) Prohibited Matters and sexual harassment policy
・In the homestay program, eating and drinking animal excrement (feces, urine, etc.) is prohibited.
・In the homestay program, applying animal excrement (feces, urine, etc.) on the Japanese student’s nude body is prohibited.
・Since the use of cannabis and marijuana is prohibited in Japan, we do not accept host families who use cannabis and marijuana at home.
・The Homestay Program is subject to a sexual harassment policy.
2) One host family host one Japanese student
The student are coming to London to learn and practice English.
To make English-only environment for student, each host family host ONLY ONE Japanese student.
3) Do you live with
・other Japanese speaking student, from other program?
・Japanese family?
・someone speak Japanese with native-level fluency?
You are NOT QUALIFIED this program.
We will cancel the homestay and remove our Japanese student from your home.
4) YOUR MAIN HOST CHILD is away from home?
Please contact.
The Japanese student wants to experience daily life in Canada WITH YOUR CHILD and build relationship like buddy-relationship.
This is a cultural exchange program between your child, and siblings and Japanese student.
5) YOUR MAIN HOST CHILD has summer job?
Please contact.
※Ideally, the main host child always stays with the Japanese student while the Japanese student is at homestay. If they do have a part-time job, it should be limited to 10 hours per week. While the host child is working, family member always spend time with the Japanese student.
Aikido London:#Unit 108,4056 MeadowBrook Dr, London, Ontario
- You have a DAUGHTER at your home, you host a FEMALE/GIRL student.
- You have a SON at your home, you host a MALE/BOY student.
- Japanese student can share the BEDROOM with your child. (Don’t share same BED.)
- Your family welcome your Japanese student as a part of your family member.
- You go to family trip? please take your Japanese student with you as a part of your family. Please spend the trip cost from the homestay fees.
- Student can visit United States with your family.
- If your child visit and stay at your child father or mother or your relatives home, student can and stay there with your child.
- Your child goes to day camp? please register your Japanese student to the same program, as your child is registered.
- Your Japanese student has medical insurance.
- One Japanese adult chaperon come with these students. This chaperon stays in London until the homestay program complete. The chaperon will stay at his own/her own host family in London as well.
- Coordinator and chaperon support your Canadian family and Japanese student while the homestay program.
If you are interested in this host family opportunity, please contact me.
We will email you Host family application form.
To become homestay family for this opportunity, you will need
- host family application
- family photo
- room photo where your student will stay
- Police record check/back ground check – LABO host families will be reimbursed.
- home visit interview by homestay coordinator
about your family’s personal information, and your student’s personal information
- We use your personal information for homestay arrangements purpose only.
- Your information will be send to LABO homestay program office in Japan, then program office send to your Japanese student.
- You will receive your student’s personal information BEFORE your student arrive to Canada.
- Your personal information will not go to third parties.
We will try to match Japanese student and Canadian student with SAME SEX, SIMILAR INTEREST AND HOBBIES.
You will receive your Japanese student information BEFORE arriving to Canada.
As soon as you exchange the personal information sheet, you can start to contact each other before the program start, to know each other.
▼London Ontario coordinator received these flags with messages from LABO homestay students
▼These photos were taken at the last day of homestay program in each year, at Fanshawe College Conference Centre. Since 2013, the LABO students meet host family very first time, and say good-by to the host family, in this Conference room.
about LABO International Exchange Foundation
LABO is a non-profitable educational organization that provides an integrated program of youth development, language learning, and cultural exploration for Japanese children and their families.
PROGRAM NAME: LABO Intercultural Exchange Homestay Program, from Japan
To lean about LABO, please visit
Contact Form
Please contact me at