カナダ留学で”パイロットを目指す”コース、(Commercial Flight and Aviation Leadership, Fanshawe College ファンショーカレッジ)London Ontario Canada|formal aviation language proficiency demonstration
Guide to a formal aviation language proficiency demonstration
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) does not require a formal assessment of candidates who demonstrate expert level proficiency (e.g., speakers whose first language is English) and is satisfied with an informal demonstration of proficiency.
Canadian citizens who have graduated from a Canadian English or French speaking high school will qualify for the informal demonstration in the language that is, or will be if currently enrolled, indicated on their high school diploma, provided the Chief Flight Instructor (CFI) of a Flight Training Unit (FTU) or the freelance instructor, as appropriate to the situation, is satisfied that the person can demonstrated the competencies of Expert Level 6 as listed in standard 421.06(4) of the CARs.
The formal aviation language proficiency demonstration
The Formal Aviation Language Proficiency Demonstration is an English-language or French-language proficiency demonstration designed for candidates to a Canadian pilot licence or Air Traffic Controller licence.
Formal Aviation Language Proficiency Demonstrationは、カナダのパイロット免許または航空管制官免許の受験者のためにデザインされた、英語またはフランス語の能力デモンストレーションです。
Who can schedule a formal demonstration?
Only the Verifier who is the person that forwards to the Language Assessor the Privacy Notice Statement (see Appendix A) and the Identification Confirmation Form (see Appendix B) can request a formal demonstration.
Verifiers are employees of Canadian flight training units or air operators that have been assigned that function by the Chief Flight Instructor or the Chief Pilot.