カナダで学べる学部、Environment and Horticulture、(Niagara College Canada ナイアガラ カレッジ カナダ)ナイアガラオンザレイクキャンパス、Niagara-on-the-Lake campus
Niagara-on-the-Lake campus
135 Taylor Road,
Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario L0S 1J0, Canada
【School of Environment and Horticulture】 スクール・オブ・エンバイロンメント・アンド・ホーティカルチャー |
Commercial Cannabis Production
Graduate Certificate 1 Year
Ecosystem Restoration
Graduate Certificate 1 Year
Environmental Management and Assessment
Graduate Certificate 1 Year
Environmental Technician – Field and Laboratory (Co-op)
Diploma 2 Years
Greenhouse Technician (Co-op)
Diploma 2 Years
Horticultural Technician (Co-op)
Diploma 2 Years
Landscape Horticulture Techniques
Certificate 1 Year
Landscape Technician (Co-op)
Diploma 2 Years