ポスグラ発行対象のプログラム:Fanshawe College

ポスグラビザ(Post Graduation Work Permit)とは
学校を卒業した後(Post Graduation) にもらえる「労働許可証(Work Permit)」のこと。


Fanshawe College のプログラムで、ポストグラデュエートワークパミット(ポスグラ)の申請対象のコースをご紹介しています。

免責事項:ここに掲載されているプログラムはFanshawe Collegeが提供しており、卒業後就労許可証(PGWP)プログラムの対象となる可能性があります。ただし、PGWPの承認に関する最終決定は、カナダ移民・難民・市民権省(IRCC)のみが行います。申請者および学生は、IRCCのウェブサイトに掲載されている資格基準を確認し、掲載されている要件をすべて満たしているかどうかを判断してください。

IRCCのウェブサイトに掲載されている資格基準 PGWP の確認はこちらから

Fanshawe College

Program Code Program Name Credential Start Date CIP Code
AOM2 Aerospace Operations Management
Ontario College Graduate Certificate January, May, September 49.0104
ASR1 Aircraft Structural Repair Technician Ontario College Certificate September 47.0607
AVM4 Aviation Technician – Avionics Maintenance (Co-op) Ontario College Diploma September 47.0609
BBP1 Honours Bachelor of Behavioural Psychology Degree September 30.2501
BED1 Honours Bachelor of Environmental Design and Planning (Co-op) Degree January 04.0401
BIA1B Business and Information Systems Architecture Ontario College Graduate Certificate January, May, September 11.0101
BIO2 Honours Bachelor of Applied Technology – Biotechnology Degree September 26.1201
BIT1 Biotechnology (Co-op) Ontario College Diploma January, May, September 41.0101
BLS3 Business – Supply Chain and Operations Ontario College Diploma January, May, September 52.0203
BRY1 Building Renovation Technology (Co-op) Ontario College Advanced Diploma September 46.9999
CEN2 Construction Engineering Technician (Co-op) Ontario College Diploma January, September 15.1001
CFA1 Commercial Flight and Aviation Leadership
Ontario College Advanced Diploma January, September 49.0104
CMY3 Construction Engineering Technology – Management (Co-op) Ontario College Advanced Diploma September 15.1001
CPA3 Computer Programming and Analysis (Co-op) Ontario College Advanced Diploma January, September 11.0201
CRQ1 Carpentry and Renovation Techniques Ontario College Certificate September 46.0201
CRT1 Carpentry and Renovation Technician Ontario College Diploma September 46.0201
CTN2 Computer Systems Technician Ontario College Diploma January, May, September 15.1202
CTY2 Computer Systems Technology (Co-op) Ontario College Advanced Diploma September 15.1202
CYB1 Cyber Security (Co-op) Ontario College Advanced Diploma January, September 11.1003
DCM2 Digital Communication Management Ontario College Graduate Certificate January, September 09.0702
DLS4 Landscape Design Ontario College Advanced Diploma September 01.0605
ELT1 Electrical Techniques Ontario College Certificate January, September 46.0302
EMG3 Emergency Management Ontario College Graduate Certificate September 43.0302
FHP1 Fitness and Health Promotion Ontario College Diploma January, September 31.0501
FNM2 Nutrition and Food Service Management Ontario College Diploma September 19.0505
FPD1 Food Processing – Product Development (Co-op) Ontario College Graduate Certificate January 30.1901
GDP1 Game Development – Advanced Programming Ontario College Graduate Certificate September 11.0201
GRM2 Golf and Club Management (Co-op) Ontario College Diploma September 31.0302
HSF1 Human Services Foundation Ontario College Certificate September 44.0000
HTN1 Horticulture Technician Ontario College Diploma September 01.0601
IDP3 Interactive Media Design Ontario College Diploma January, September 11.0801
ISM1 Information Security Management Ontario College Graduate Certificate January, May, September 11.1003
ITI2B Information Technology Infrastructure Ontario College Graduate Certificate January, May, September 11.0101
IWD2 Web Development and Internet Applications Ontario College Diploma January, September 11.0801
LCN1 Low-Code and No-Code (Co-op) Ontario College Graduate Certificate January, May, September 11.0201
MAP1 Mobile Application Development (Co-op) Ontario College Graduate Certificate January, May, September 11.0201
MHT3W Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Tech’n (Co-op) Ontario College Diploma September 15.0501
MIM3S Mechanical Engineering Technician-Industrial Maintenance Ontario College Diploma September 47.0303
MRI2 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Ontario College Graduate Certificate January, September 51.0920
MRT1 Medical Radiation Technology Ontario College Advanced Diploma September 51.0911
MSG2 Massage Therapy (Accelerated) Ontario College Advanced Diploma September 51.3501
NSA1 Network and Security Architecture (Co-op) Ontario College Graduate Certificate January, September 11.1003
OLH1 Occupational Health and Safety Management (Co-op) Ontario College Graduate Certificate May 15.0701
OPA1 Occupational Therapist Assistant and Physiotherapist Asst. Ontario College Diploma September 51.0803
PAR2 Paramedic Ontario College Diploma September 51.0904
PBT1 Professional Butchery Techniques Ontario College Certificate September 12.0506
PHS2 Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to Advanced Diplomas and Degrees Ontario College Certificate September 51.1199
PLQ1 Plumbing Techniques Ontario College Certificate September 46.0503
PNG5 Practical Nursing Ontario College Diploma September 51.3901
PSW6 Personal Support Worker Ontario College Certificate January, May, September 51.2602
PTN1 Pharmacy Technician Ontario College Diploma January, September 51.0805
RPA1 Community Pharmacy Assistant Ontario College Certificate September 51.0805
RST4 Respiratory Therapy Ontario College Advanced Diploma September 51.0908
SCM2 Supply Chain Management – Logistics (Co-op) Ontario College Graduate Certificate January, May, September 52.0203
SST3 Software and Information Systems Testing (Co-op) Ontario College Graduate Certificate January, May, September 14.0903
TDA1 Technical Data Analytics (Co-op) Ontario College Graduate Certificate January, May, September 11.0301
TSS2 Technical Systems Analysis (Co-op) Ontario College Graduate Certificate January, May, September 11.0501
UED1 User Experience Design Ontario College Graduate Certificate September 11.0104
WFT1 Welding and Fabrication Technician (Co-op) Ontario College Diploma January, September 48.0508
WTQ1J Welding Techniques Ontario College Certificate January, May, September 48.0508


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