カナダで学べる学部、Trades、(Niagara College Canada ナイアガラ カレッジ カナダ)Welland campus
Welland campus
100 Niagara College Boulevard,
Welland, Ontario L3C 7L3, Canada
【School of Trades】 スクール・オブ・トレーズ |
Carpentry and Renovation Techniques
Certificate 1 Year
Carpentry and Renovation Technician (Co-op)
Diploma 2 Years
Electrical Techniques
Certificate 1 Year
Diploma 3 Consecutive Terms
Mechanical Techniques (General Machinist)
Certificate 1 Year
Motive Power Technician – Automotive (Co-op)
Diploma 2 Years
Welding Technician
Diploma 2 Years